To Repair Your Aircon Or Buying a New One


Singapore is hot and clammy country , if you aircon isn't cooling enough , you will find inconvenience stay at home . In such condition , you need to pick whether you need to fix your aircon or buy an aircon. Decision to fix or not to fix your air unforeseen is depend upon very few factor which we will analyze underneath Aircon general service .

Aircon Age: One of the basic factor to buy or fix your aircon is the age of your aircon. According to the preliminary from HVAC ace . One of the straightforward strategy to decide to buy or not to buy the new aircon is 5000 rule. In the occasion that expansion of an aircon fix cost and its age is under 5000 , you should fix the aircon . Something different , if the increment of an aircon fix cost and its age is more than 5000 , you should buy another aircon. For example , if your aircon is 10 year old , and the support cost is $300 , the expansion is 3000. Aircon chemical wash For the present circumstance , you should fix it rather to buy the new aircon.

Energy utilization of your aircon : Latest aircon advancement which is more energy successful . Latest development which including monetary benefactor aircon which is very and save energy. You can see your aircon energy by see the energy star in your aircon . The more star mean more energy viable . The on the off chance that star mean more power needed for the aircon and not so energy successful. If your aircon is more than 10 years and less energy powerful, we can change the upgraded one with more energy capable. Aircon chemical overhaul This is for long time adventure for your electrical bills.

Backing history of your aircon : The future of an aircon is depend upon the utilization of your aircon. The more you use your aircon , Aircon repair the future lessened. The less you use your aircon , the future addition. An aircon usually can be used for 10 to15 years. In case you airon is incredibly old and more than 15 years ,you should change the improved one rather to fix. Since conventionally the old aircon fix cost is more than you buy the new air unexpected.

Continuous past execution : You aircon should be fixed if the parts is at this point in incredible condition and its moving along as arranged in the pass. Aircon gas topup In any case , if your aircon pass execution is very poor or its giving you issue many time , you should change your aircon rather to fix it . Boisterous is disturbing , eventually old aircon reliably give you many sound . That mean you should change your air prohibitive.

Region changed : In some occasion , you may need to move your room or house , which is space changed. If your space is more prominent you should change the more noteworthy aircon. In case your new space is more humble , you can change to more unobtrusive aircon which is more energy useful. Various region may have the unmistakable lighting , you should know the old or new aircon which is sensible for your new home.


All things considered , fix or buy the new aircon in Singapore can be unique in relation to various air unforeseen expert. However, an authority end is depend upon you in case you feel current aircon give you more power bill or you not satisfy with your aircon condition.

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