Debunking 5 Common Misconceptions on Air Conditioner Gas Top-Up
Aircon gas topup Air conditioner gas top-up is a routine maintenance task that is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. These misunderstandings can lead to improper maintenance practices and unnecessary worries for users. In this article, we aim to debunk five common misconceptions regarding Aircon servicing . Misconception: Aircon Gas Depletes Over Time: Many people believe that the refrigerant gas in Aircon installation naturally depletes over time, leading to poor cooling performance. In reality, if your air conditioner is losing refrigerant, it indicates a potential leak. Refrigerant should ideally remain at a constant level, and if it Aircon repair doesn't, a Aircon installation singapore professional technician should inspect the system for leaks rather than simply adding more gas. Misconception: Regular Top-Ups Improve Performance: Some users think that regularly topping up the refrigerant can enhance the cooling efficiency of their air conditioner. However, add...