
Why is my aircon still hot after cleaning?

  Aircon chemical wash If your air conditioner (aircon) is still blowing hot Aircon servicing after cleaning, several potential issues could be at play. Here are some common reasons and solutions: 1. Incorrect Thermostat Settings Issue: The thermostat might be set to the wrong temperature or mode. Solution: Ensure the thermostat is set to "cool" and the desired temperature is lower than the current room temperature. Aircon trunking Daikin aircon servicing Mitsubishi Aircon servicing Midea Aircon servicing Panasonic Aircon servicing Lg aircon servicing Hitachi Aircon servicing Sharp Aircon servicing York Aircon servicing 2. Refrigerant Leak Issue: Low refrigerant levels due to a leak can prevent the aircon from cooling effectively. Solution: Check for signs of a refrigerant leak, such as hissing sounds or oily residue around the unit. This issue requires a Aircon installation singapore professional technician to fix the leak and recharge the refrigerant. Hdb/BTO Aircon Servi

How Often Should Your Split AC Be Serviced?

  Aircon service As the summer heat rolls in, the importance of a well-functioning air conditioner becomes undeniable. Split air conditioners (ACs) are a popular choice for many homes and businesses due to their efficiency and quiet operation. However, to keep your split AC running smoothly and efficiently,  Aircon servicing regular maintenance is crucial. This blog post will guide you on how often you should service your split AC and what the servicing should Aircon installation entail. Why Regular Maintenance is Important Before diving into the frequency of servicing, it’s essential to understand why regular maintenance is so important for your split AC. Regular servicing helps in: Increasing Efficiency: A well-maintained AC runs more efficiently, cooling your space faster and using less energy. Prolonging Lifespan: Routine checks and cleaning can significantly extend the life of your unit. Improving Air Quality: Cleaning Aircon repair filters and other components reduces dust and